Sunday 15 February 2015

Home Learning


This week we are starting our new Home Learning Programme. We have 'Must Do' tasks to complete and 'Can Do' tasks it we want to. It is our job to choose what we would like to do each night and keep track of it using our timetable. Encourage us to take responsibility of our own Home Learning by asking us what we would like to do each night. If we complete all of our 'Must Do' tasks during the week AND remember to bring our Home Learning Book back to school on Friday with our parents signature then we will get 15 minutes of GOLDEN TIME on Friday afternoon. How cool is that?!


  1. Love the idea of GOLDEN TIME! Sounds like wonderful motivation.
    Natalie (Dalton's mother)

  2. What's golden time? Can we parents have some too? Jocelyn (Alexa's mum)

  3. You sure can, but only if you are taking responsibility for your own learning! Golden Time is when you get to do something of your might be playing on the playground or making something with the mobilo.
