Monday 23 February 2015

The Learning Pit

This week in M11, we have been talking about 'The Learning Pit'. 'The Learning Pit' is where good learners decide to jump in, challenge themselves and learn new things. Sometimes when we decide to challenge ourselves and learn something new, we can feel frustrated and confused. In order to get out of 'The Learning Pit' we have to keep trying, work hard and persevere. Good learners never give up and always get themselves out of the 'pit' where they feel proud  and happy to have learnt something new. Good learners don't stop there, they challenge themselves again by jumping back in! Check out some of the  amazing posters we made to explain 'The Learning Pit' to others. 


  1. the person that was working with me has the same name as my cousin
    by luca

  2. Well done Tyler and Jack I love your people.

  3. I hope we can do this in year 4. It was fun working with Tyler. Tyler drew the pictures for bad learner and I drew the pictures for the good learner. From Jack.

  4. I like the learning pit because you get to draw the good learners and bad learners. I also like that you write comments about going back into the pit.

  5. I like the learning pit because good learners jump in the pit and bad learners don't jump in the pit

    By shayan

  6. I like the learning pit it was a great idea BEAU

  7. The Learning Pit is just like swimming. You'll only have fun if you jump in !! SEAN'S DAD

  8. You guys look like you are doing lots of wonderful learning in M11. I know Miss Hooper is working hard to help you meet your learning goals. Keep up the good work team! Can't wait to see some more fantastic learning!!

  9. The learning pit is cool. Arshia
