Sunday 15 March 2015

Self-Managed Timetables

During Maths and Reading, we are in charge of our own timetables. We choose independent activities each day from our 'Must Do' and 'Can Do' list. This encourages us to be in charge of our own learning by choosing things that are going to help us get better. During the week, we also attend workshops with Miss Hooper where we learn new strategies. We love being in charge of our own learning because then we get to make choices rather than being told what to do. Its an opportunity for us to manage our own learning and use our time wisely. We also get time on Friday to reflect on our week and think about what we enjoyed or new things we learnt!


  1. It is cool that we get to manege our own time table : By Alexa

  2. This is awesome stuff M11....I love to see children directing their own learning and looks like you are developing skills to become reflective learners! Awesome! Keep it up
